教會歷史(Church History)
自 1997 年以來,我們的教會一直在南卡羅來納州的佛羅倫斯。在一些教會成員家庭搬遷並離開南卡羅來納州後,由於上帝的應許、命令和祝福,我們是弟兄姐妹們仍然在這裡的教會。 我們與其他支持我們的浸信會教會和其他華人教會弟兄姐妹有聯繫。我們要真誠地感謝他們! |
Our church has been here in Florence South Carolina Since year 1997. Upon some church members family moved and left SC, We are the church that brothers and sisters still here because of God's promise, commands and blessings.
We are connected with other Baptist church and other Chinese churches brothers and sisters that support us. We want to sincerely thanks them at all! |